Saturday, January 21, 2017

My So Called Opinion

I really liked this article because our opinion are something we never really think about or dissect like this article did. I do think a lot of the point discussed are true like I think we all influence each other's opinions through social media. I think a lot of millennials feel like they can't express some of their conservative opinions because they'll be criticized by the rest of us (which they most likely will be). I do think a lot of millennials accept and embrace racial differences and the LGBTQ community, but i do feel like a lot of people just tolerate them because they don't want to be the odd ball out that says they don't agree with them. But I think it's important that we influence other millenials to be more accepting towards others who are different than them. One paragraph really stood out to me. The author "I like what I like" becomes "but should I like what I like",  and I think all millenials could relate to that. Sometimes you can't voice you own true opinion because you think people will judge you, so you change it to everyone else's opinion.

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