Sunday, March 12, 2017

Final project

     I thought Crystal Nelson's presentation was so unique. I feel like whenever artist's find their comfortable medium to work with they stay with that medium and usually don't branch out. I really appreciate how even though painting was her strongest suit, she tried her best to stay away from it as she got older. I also appreciated how she was able to combine her hobbies and her love for art, I try to do the same with makeup and art. What really amazed me was how she's able to fix or build anything she puts her mind to. The fact that she is actually creating her own 3D printer completely blows my mind.
    The movement video made a lot of sense to me because I've already picked up in movies almost every time something bad is about to happen, it storms outside. I do think it's genius though to make the weather express a certain emotion that a person is feeling rather than them telling us. 
     The editing video was actually really cool. As a viewer I've never noticed how many different ways you could change scenes. Although I have noticed how most movies or tv shows get to the climax of one story and then change scenes to a completely different story.
     In the beginning I didn't understand How to Structure a Video Essay. But I partially understand after watching the whole video, it's basically like forming an essay but with a video. By using video to convey "but", "therefore" and "back at the ranch".
     I thought the poetry video was pretty interesting. I never thought about how just the visuals and sounds in movies can provoke certain emotions. But after seeing this video I realize that visuals and sounds provoke a lot more emotions than just a talking scene. 

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